Measurement of frequency response in a transformer/reactor from an injected AC signal
across a frequency range between 20 Hz and 2 MHz.
Sweep Frequency Response is a major advance in transformer condition analysis, allowing
you to “see” inside transformers without costly detanking. The standard definition
of frequency response analysis (FRA) is the ratio of a steady sinusoidal output
from a test object subjected to a steady sinusoidal input. Sweeping through the
frequency range of interest gives rise to the S in SFRA, to distinguish it from
impulse methods, which estimate the response rather than measure it. SFRA is a proven
technique for making accurate and repeatable measurements. As compared to the “impulse”
technique, SFRA is preferred for frequency domain measurements. It covers the full
dynamic range and maintains the same energy level for each frequency, providing
accurate, consistent results. A high signal-to noise ratio across the entire 20
Hz to 2 MHz frequency range ensures valid measurements.