15-minute RPM
-- Shows both the peak or highest number of RPMs recorded during each 15-minute
period, and the average number of RPMs during each 15-minute period. This graph
lets you see how the number of RPMs changed throughout the day and is closely
related to wind speed changes.
15-minute Wind
Speed -- Shows how fast the wind was blowing at two heights on the
turbine tower, with both the peak or highest speed and the average speed for
each 15-minute period. This graph lets you see how the wind speed changed
throughout the day.
-- The current flowing from or to the inverter. When the wind blows this
increases, showing that the wind turbine is generating electricity.
Daily Energy
(by hour or by day) -- Shows the number of kilowatt-hours of
electricity generated each hour or each day, with both the peak or highest
generation and the average generation for the hour or day. The hourly graph
lets you see how energy production changed throughout the day.
Daily Power
-- Total kilowatt-hours of electricity generated each day, listed by date.
Daily RPM
-- Shows both the peak or highest number of revolutions per minute recorded
during the day, and the average number of revolutions per minute throughout the
Daily Wind
Speed -- Shows how fast the wind was blowing at two heights on the
turbine tower, with both the peak or highest speed and the average speed for
the day.
Kilowatt Hours
Delivered -- When the wind is blowing, the inverter delivers power
into the household system.This is a measure of that power.
Kilowatt Hours
Received -- When the wind is not blowing, the inverter draws a
small amount of power from the house just to keep its circuits energized and
ready. This is a measure of that power.
Kilowatts Peak
-- The greatest amount of power generated at any one instant, equal to 1,000
-- The number of revolutions per minute, or the number of times the propellor
turned every 60 seconds. When the wind blows faster, the number of RPMs
RPM Peak
-- The highest number of revolutions per minute recorded during a 15-minute
period or during a day.
Total Harmonic
Distortion Current -- A technical measurement used by engineers
describing the difference in the curent (amps) from an ideal smooth sine wave.
Inverters can sometimes cause bumpiness in these waves that results in voltage
distortion that can make other equipment function poorly.
Total Harmonic
Distortion Voltage -- A technical measurement used by engineers
describing the difference in the voltage from an ideal smooth sine wave. The
lower this number the better for other equipment connected to the wires.
Inverters sometimes produce a distorted current, which can cause voltage
distortion that in turn makes other equipment function poorly.
Residential Load vs. Generated Power -- A comparison of the
average household power usage vs. the amount of power generated by the turbine
that day.
-- The voltage measured at the inverter. This is the same as the household
panel, and it remains fairly constant.
Wind Direction Lower Tower -- A record of the wind direction measured at a height of 30'. You may see that the wind blows different directions higher and lower on the tower. Wind direction is shown in degrees, where 0 degrees means the wind is blowing from the north, 90 degrees equals east, 180 degrees equals south and 270 degrees equals west.
Wind Direction Upper Tower -- A record of the wind direction measured at a height of 80'. Wind direction is shown in degrees, where 0 degrees means the wind is blowing from the north, 90 degrees equals east, 180 degrees equals south and 270 degrees equals west.
Wind Speed Lower Tower -- A record of how fast the wind is blowing measured at a height of 30'. You may see that the wind blows at different speeds higher and lower on the tower.
Wind Speed Upper Tower -- A record of how fast the wind is blowing measured at a height of 80'.